Liz Moore, amongst other works went on to design the C-3PO suit for the film, Star Wars. Clarke (who also wrote a novel version in tandem with the films production), and inspired in part by. The ten second shot was filmed over eight hours to achieve a large depth of field. 2001: A Space Odyssey is a 1968 Science Fiction film, written and directed by Stanley Kubrick, with help from Arthur C. Not only in my opinion one of the best science fiction movies ever made and with. parents recorded birthday greeting in his room, to complex conversations where Hal. Another ‘Cinefex’ interview with Douglas Trumbull described how Stanley Kubrick shot the model through around fifteen layers of special gauze made from rare, lady stockings from pre-war Europe which softened the tremendous over exposed backlight. HAL 9000 the computer in the motion picture 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968). In this chapter I wish to focus on Hal 9000.

From this a fiberglass model was built.Īccording to a ‘Cinefex’ interview with Brian Johnson, Stanley Kubrick wanted the Star Child to have a more ‘evolved’ look with a slightly bigger head. For the Star Child which was built in autumn 1967, she created a clay mould sculpture with features intentionally similar to Keir Dullea. Liz Moore joined the team of 2001: in 1966 and along with the ‘Star Child’, Liz worked in the art department assisting Stuart Freeborn in the creation of the first human masks, and helping to create the Lunar landscapes.
Hal 9000 birthday Bluetooth#
Infinity and Beyond: This is the original ‘Star Child’ prop sculpted by Liz Moore, which was thought to be lost until 2003. Give your music listening experience a futuristic sci-fi touch by blasting your tunes out of this HAL 9000 Bluetooth speaker.