_deExternalKey - the external key for the data extension to receive the subscriber information

You will also need to update the tags to place information in the data extension. An integron is a genetic unit that includes the determinants of the components of a site-specific recombination system capable of capturing and mobilizing. For other instances, replace s# with the instance you are on for "cl.s#.".
Where you need to change the web collect URL to https. The professional lawn and landscape marketplace continues to be the fastest-growing segment of the dynamic green industry.

Here’s the example HTML from the documentation: Carbon Capture and Storage market size is projected to reach USD 6026.8 million by 2027, from USD 3981.8 million in 2020, at a CAGR of 6.1 during 2021-2027. Use the DEManager functionality, which is a Marketing Cloud standard functionality for such use cases - creating forms on external websites and writing form data into a Data Extension in Marketing Cloud: Capturing carbon for a brighter future Carbon Capture made easy CO prices reach record high Offering a leading carbon capture technology Proven Superior.Create a normal CloudPage with a SmartCapture form and iframe it onto another website.