Somatic nervous system consists of
Somatic nervous system consists of

The afferent (sensory) arm of this system includes receptors that monitor the arterial pressure, levels of carbon dioxide and oxygen in the blood or the chemical composition of the content of the gastrointestinal tract. The efferent arm of this system can be further subdivided into the parasympathetic (PSNS) and sympathetic (SNS) components, which control numerous smooth muscles and glands. These visceral functions include the regulation of heart rate, digestion, salivation, urination, digestion, and many more. The autonomic (visceral) nervous system control the visceral functions of the body and acts largely unconsciously.

somatic nervous system consists of

Its afferent arm links sensory receptors on the body surface or deeper within it with relevant processing circuits, whereas the efferent arm directly controls skeletal muscles using motor nerves. The somatic nervous system of the PNS is responsible for voluntary, conscious control of skeletal muscles (effector organ). Effector organs can either be muscles or glands.

somatic nervous system consists of

The efferent arm consists of motor (or effector) neurones running from the CNS to the effector organ.Afferent nerves exist in both the somatic and autonomic nervous systems as both can use sensory signals to alter their activity. Afferent nerves detect the external environment via receptors for external stimuli such as pressure or temperature etc.

somatic nervous system consists of

The afferent arm consists of sensory (or afferent) neurones running from receptors to the CNS.The peripheral nervous system is itself classified into two systems: the somatic nervous system and the autonomic nervous system.

Somatic nervous system consists of